Friday, November 25, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
212 years ago......
Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God,
to obey His will,
to be grateful for His benefits,
and humbly to implore His protection and favor -
and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me
"to recommend to the People of the United States
a day of
public thanksgiving
and prayer
to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts
the many signal favors of Almighty God,
especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness."
Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States
Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States
to the service of that great and glorious Being,
who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be –
That we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks –
for His kind care and protection of the People of this country
previous to their becoming a Nation –
and the favorable interpositions of His providence, which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war –for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed – for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted, for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which He hath been pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite
And also that we may then unite
in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions –
to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually – to render our national government a blessing to all the People, by constantly being a government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed – to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord – To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and Us – and generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
Heavenly Father,
212 years later,
in Your great and tender mercy
under humble praise and glory
to the only One worthy...
may the above be so; yes, may it be so.
Monday, November 14, 2011
LINGER LooooooooooooNG!
As we begin the season of hustle-bustle and hurry-scurry, I have another guest post that very eloquently points us to what is important. A much needed reminder beautifully written by an extraordinary and beautiful (inside and out) young woman, Anne Marie. She is a friend of my daughter's who is graciously and generously living her life loving and learning how to linger in East Asia. Her wisdom at such a tender age is inspiring:
According to Miriam Webster, this is what it means to linger:
1. To be slow in parting or in quitting something
2. a: to remain alive although gradually dying
b: to remain existent although often waning in strength
3. To be slow to act
4. To move slowly
I want to be a person who lingers.
I want to linger over a hot cup of coffee before the noise of the day begins, instead of immediately feeling the need to check email.
I want to linger in the embrace of my husband's spontaneous hug at the kitchen sink instead of nudging him away so I can wash the next dish.
I want to linger in meditation on God's word instead of being satisfied to just check it off my list for the day.
I want to linger at bath time with Maddox and not care about what time it is or how much water is being splashed on the floor.
I want to linger in silence with a friend instead of feeling the need to interject with some answer or piece of advice that, let's be honest, probably isn't that great anyway.
I want to linger in my weakness.
I want to linger in the hard lesson God is teaching me instead of just wishing for the end result.
I know I'm gonna wake up one day when Maddox is grown and wish that I could do bath time with him again or sing him to sleep, so why do I try and rush through those things now? Why do I feel like I have to live life in a hurry from one thing to the next. I really have absolutely nothing to be in a hurry for.
If every moment is beautifully ordained by God, which I whole-heartedly believe is true, then why wouldn't we want to linger in them? And if we never linger, doesn't that mean we are missing out on what that specific moment has to offer? And if we keep missing the gifts that come in the moments, then aren't we missing out on the fullness of life that God intended for us?
I want so badly to go slow and savor minutes, hours, days, and the season God has me in. I want to let my child stay in the bath too long just because he loves it. I want to experience the slow and sometimes agonizing process of refinement that comes with learning the hard lesson, because that's how God shapes us and changes hearts. I want to know the extent of my weaknesses so I can better understand the extent of God's strength and grace - if I never linger in my weakness I will never have to depend on the Lord. I want to sit in the tough emotions, because there's a time for every one of them under Heaven. I want to hug Chris for a long time because I have no idea what tomorrow holds and if there will even be another hug.
Lord, teach me how to linger.
1. To be slow in parting or in quitting something
2. a: to remain alive although gradually dying
b: to remain existent although often waning in strength
3. To be slow to act
4. To move slowly
I want to be a person who lingers.
I want to linger over a hot cup of coffee before the noise of the day begins, instead of immediately feeling the need to check email.
I want to linger in the embrace of my husband's spontaneous hug at the kitchen sink instead of nudging him away so I can wash the next dish.
I want to linger in meditation on God's word instead of being satisfied to just check it off my list for the day.
I want to linger at bath time with Maddox and not care about what time it is or how much water is being splashed on the floor.
I want to linger in silence with a friend instead of feeling the need to interject with some answer or piece of advice that, let's be honest, probably isn't that great anyway.
I want to linger in my weakness.
I want to linger in the hard lesson God is teaching me instead of just wishing for the end result.
I know I'm gonna wake up one day when Maddox is grown and wish that I could do bath time with him again or sing him to sleep, so why do I try and rush through those things now? Why do I feel like I have to live life in a hurry from one thing to the next. I really have absolutely nothing to be in a hurry for.
If every moment is beautifully ordained by God, which I whole-heartedly believe is true, then why wouldn't we want to linger in them? And if we never linger, doesn't that mean we are missing out on what that specific moment has to offer? And if we keep missing the gifts that come in the moments, then aren't we missing out on the fullness of life that God intended for us?
I want so badly to go slow and savor minutes, hours, days, and the season God has me in. I want to let my child stay in the bath too long just because he loves it. I want to experience the slow and sometimes agonizing process of refinement that comes with learning the hard lesson, because that's how God shapes us and changes hearts. I want to know the extent of my weaknesses so I can better understand the extent of God's strength and grace - if I never linger in my weakness I will never have to depend on the Lord. I want to sit in the tough emotions, because there's a time for every one of them under Heaven. I want to hug Chris for a long time because I have no idea what tomorrow holds and if there will even be another hug.
Lord, teach me how to linger.
Guest Post
Friday, October 21, 2011
A Post that Never LEAVES Me....
I've been busy and out-of-town, but I wanted to pop in and breathe some life into "MM & SC."
So, how 'bout a breath of fresh autumnal air from a young talented woman.
This is a guest post from Laura, a friend of my daughters ~ she's darlin,' beautiful inside and out, as well as a gifted writer.
I read this post exactly a year ago. It is one of those that resonates to the depths of your souls and continues to reverberate with echoes of the words, the message, and the heart coming to mind every so often.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
blanks walls and leaves on the ground
I love writing letters on leaves. Every year around this time, I used pick a lovely fall leaf, and write a note on it. Being a lover of mail and the written word, it just seemed like fun. In the fall, one of my dear friends from childhood would always open an envelope to find a colorful leaf with sharpie scribbles on it. I'm not sure exactly why I did it, but I knew this long-time friend would understand.
The funny thing about my love for fall leaves is the irony in it. I hate change. I cry almost every time I cut my hair. My clothes tear to shreds or go out of style before I quit wearing them - note, I still own and wear a pair of pants from the seventh grade at 23 - I own 3 colors of nail polish: hot pinky - orange, nude/lightish pink and clear. Why? Because I fake the change - I rotate 3 shades in and out so it "looks" like I change. I have the same car I drove at fifteen and sincerely don't want a knew one. And in my old house, the wall over my bed stayed blank for two years because I was looking for the perfect thing to hang over it and if I drilled holes in the wall, I couldn't change it if I didn't like it.
I have a new blank wall. Come see. Help me drill holes. And best example of all? I cannot let go of people. Memories. Change. I am the roots, not the leaves.
You may think I'm crazy, and, yes, my hatred is a bit extreme, but who really loves change - transience - temporary?
The leaves that I wrote letters on, that crunch under your feet as you walk to work, that act as decor on your mantles, that make for hours of fun when in piles - those leaves are proof that we can't escape change, but that it can still be a beautiful thing. Has death ever looked so lovely? Change is part of this world, and the desire for something eternal is just another reason to believe we weren't made for this.

So, how 'bout a breath of fresh autumnal air from a young talented woman.
This is a guest post from Laura, a friend of my daughters ~ she's darlin,' beautiful inside and out, as well as a gifted writer.
I read this post exactly a year ago. It is one of those that resonates to the depths of your souls and continues to reverberate with echoes of the words, the message, and the heart coming to mind every so often.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
blanks walls and leaves on the ground
I love writing letters on leaves. Every year around this time, I used pick a lovely fall leaf, and write a note on it. Being a lover of mail and the written word, it just seemed like fun. In the fall, one of my dear friends from childhood would always open an envelope to find a colorful leaf with sharpie scribbles on it. I'm not sure exactly why I did it, but I knew this long-time friend would understand.
The funny thing about my love for fall leaves is the irony in it. I hate change. I cry almost every time I cut my hair. My clothes tear to shreds or go out of style before I quit wearing them - note, I still own and wear a pair of pants from the seventh grade at 23 - I own 3 colors of nail polish: hot pinky - orange, nude/lightish pink and clear. Why? Because I fake the change - I rotate 3 shades in and out so it "looks" like I change. I have the same car I drove at fifteen and sincerely don't want a knew one. And in my old house, the wall over my bed stayed blank for two years because I was looking for the perfect thing to hang over it and if I drilled holes in the wall, I couldn't change it if I didn't like it.
I have a new blank wall. Come see. Help me drill holes. And best example of all? I cannot let go of people. Memories. Change. I am the roots, not the leaves.
You may think I'm crazy, and, yes, my hatred is a bit extreme, but who really loves change - transience - temporary?
The leaves that I wrote letters on, that crunch under your feet as you walk to work, that act as decor on your mantles, that make for hours of fun when in piles - those leaves are proof that we can't escape change, but that it can still be a beautiful thing. Has death ever looked so lovely? Change is part of this world, and the desire for something eternal is just another reason to believe we weren't made for this.
Pictures from Morgue File (not original to Laura's post)
Guest Post
Monday, September 12, 2011
...... Shine on harvest moon ~ up in the sky.
Tonite will be a full moon ~ the harvest moon (the best known of all the moons).
It is the moon of song, poetry, and folklore. The herald of autumn and ripening fields.
Before farmers had mechanical pickers and electric lights, they relied on the light of the harvest moon t bring in their crops. Back then, most of the harvesting was done by hand. With everything ripening at nearly the same time, there was too much work to be done in the fields to stop at sundown. A bright full moon allowed farmers to work long into the night to reap the crops at peak harvest time. Many farmers said the moonlight gave them the equivalents of an extra day or two. (Charles Seabrook, Wild Georgia)
In East Asia, where my daughter is studying, it is a big deal. There, the harvest moon is celebrated with the Mid-Autumn Festival. Traditionally on this day, family members and friends will gather to admire the bright moon and eat moon cakes under the moon together. Some other traditions include carrying brightly lit lanterns and collecting dandelion leaves and distributing them evenly among family member.
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. II Corinthians 4:6
For us who have already had the immense and amazing privilege and honor of having His light shine in our hearts......SHINE for the harvest. Pray for the harvest. Pray for the laborers of the harvest...for the harvest is great, and the laborers are few.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a HARVEST if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
SHINE ON....for the harvest!!!
Tonite will be a full moon ~ the harvest moon (the best known of all the moons).
It is the moon of song, poetry, and folklore. The herald of autumn and ripening fields.
Before farmers had mechanical pickers and electric lights, they relied on the light of the harvest moon t bring in their crops. Back then, most of the harvesting was done by hand. With everything ripening at nearly the same time, there was too much work to be done in the fields to stop at sundown. A bright full moon allowed farmers to work long into the night to reap the crops at peak harvest time. Many farmers said the moonlight gave them the equivalents of an extra day or two. (Charles Seabrook, Wild Georgia)
In East Asia, where my daughter is studying, it is a big deal. There, the harvest moon is celebrated with the Mid-Autumn Festival. Traditionally on this day, family members and friends will gather to admire the bright moon and eat moon cakes under the moon together. Some other traditions include carrying brightly lit lanterns and collecting dandelion leaves and distributing them evenly among family member.
"When the moon is full, mankind is one!" ~ Chinese proverb
When you look up at the full moon tonite (and any other full moon nite), pray for the world that God so loves ~ that "one mankind" ~ that they would KNOW the ONE TRUE GOD ~ the Creator, the Glory, the BRIGHT and redeeming LIGHT.
.For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. II Corinthians 4:6
For us who have already had the immense and amazing privilege and honor of having His light shine in our hearts......SHINE for the harvest. Pray for the harvest. Pray for the laborers of the harvest...for the harvest is great, and the laborers are few.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a HARVEST if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
SHINE ON....for the harvest!!!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Perfect Equation
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Illustration by Katherine Brown (circa 1982) |
God is sovereign.
God is good.
Sovereign + good = Rest
No need to strive.
No need to worry.
Rest in His goodness.
Rest in His sovereignty.
This is in conjunction with: "Five Minute Friday"
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I wasn't going to do "Five Minute Friday" (writing freely without worrying about editing or perfection for five minutes) this week ~ wasn't in the mood.
I saw the word for the week, and decided to go for it. Why?
Because, I had my birthday this week, and as we mark time here on earth, I am now officially a year OLDER.
I'm on the down-hill slope of life here on earth now.
I regret the time and years I've squandered, but rest that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, and that He will restore the years the locust has eaten. Hallelujah!
I like being older (the alternative would mean I am not here), and I want to be here for my children. Lord willing, I will continue getting older.
And while I am getting older, may I be getting WISER ~ in order to bear fruit and glorify Him.
I saw the word for the week, and decided to go for it. Why?
Because, I had my birthday this week, and as we mark time here on earth, I am now officially a year OLDER.
I'm on the down-hill slope of life here on earth now.
I regret the time and years I've squandered, but rest that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, and that He will restore the years the locust has eaten. Hallelujah!
I like being older (the alternative would mean I am not here), and I want to be here for my children. Lord willing, I will continue getting older.

Monday, August 22, 2011
My HELP comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2
Surely God is my HELP; the Lord is the ONE who sustains me. Psalm 54:4
For I AM the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear; I will HELP you." Isaiah 41:13
God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present HELP in time of trouble. Psalm 46:1
Let us them approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to HELP us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16
Surely God is my HELP; the Lord is the ONE who sustains me. Psalm 54:4
For I AM the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear; I will HELP you." Isaiah 41:13
God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present HELP in time of trouble. Psalm 46:1
Let us them approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to HELP us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16
Monday, August 8, 2011
Pieces of the WHOLE
I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles.
I believe it started later in my life when in the summers I would visit my then retired Grandmother (she retired in her early 80's and lived to be 103), and she always had a puzzle going. We would sit for hour after hour, day after day, side by side.
We would share a laugh, share a moment, and share the luxury and peace of being together.
My daughter's hand in my Grandmother's |
She would separate the pieces into boxes: sky, faces, flowers, etc., etc. We would exchange boxes, exchange our smiles, and exchange our love.
The pieces would connect, and we could have a WHOLE. The satisfaction Grandmom and I.
WHOLLY loved, one by the other.

Thursday, August 4, 2011
MAPP ~ the Journey of Parenting
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Photo credit |
The parental road is one which we would travel many times over even though it can be treacherous, long, and full of pit-stops ~ some joyous, some frustrating, some heart-breaking, some heart-rendering, some sweet, some too long, some too swift, and some way too scary.
Allow the Holy Spirit to be your Guide and the Bible be your map:
M ~ one likes a hypocrite, and even kids can sense them a mile away. Make sure you are living a life that holds up to what you are espousing to them, and to the standards you have set for them.
P ~ everything possible to get them ready to leave the nest. Of course good moral character tops the list, and them teach them everything from laundry, to how to handle money, to how to wake up by themselves to an alarm, to how to stand-up to peer pressure, to how to cook, to how to be a good friend, to time management and much more ~ wrack your brain to think of things to teach them.
Here is the legend:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deut. 6: 6 - 9
And then, navigate that map with PRAYER. Pray. Pray. Pray.
I Thess. 5:17 ~ Continually be prayerful.
If we are to be in continual prayer....the children God entrusted us with should be a HUGE PORTION of our prayer life.
Let me reiterate ~ I veer off these directions ALL the TIME, but I am looking to the perfect Parent and Cartographer to help me get back on track when I do.
Blessings to you, dear ones, as you navigate this wondrous thing called Parenting.
I am linking up to a Blog Hop hosted by a darlin', godly woman who has a fabulous website...
Friday, July 29, 2011
He Loves Me.....
I am a jerk. He loves me anyway.
I am a liar. He loves me anyway.
I am selfish. He loves me anyway.
I am fickle, a breaker of my promises. He loves me anyway.
I am judgemental. He loves me anyway.
I am fearful. He loves me anyway.
I am wasteful. He loves me anyway.
I am LOVED......STILL.
This is part of a fun exercise over at (in)courage; Five Minute Friday
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Generations.... Past and Future
You've seen or heard about the scenario....a family Bible, perused many times, and all of a sudden ~ a letter, never seen before... appears.
I was always somewhat skeptical. Come on, how could you miss it?
Well, skeptical, no more. I found a letter. I've looked through the Bible before searching for a hint of anything about my ancestors. To no avail. And then, it just appeared.
Curiously, anxiously, excitedly and cautiously....I opened it and read:
My dear Auntie,
Your letter was received some days ago. I have delayed answering it for we have been so been so busy. Have moved and all-together it makes us all torn up. We are also in a tent. It is a new one and I am trying my best to pay for it. It is costing me $133.00 and our corps is allready much burdened. It keep be very very anxious to know how to manage but we are getting along very nicely. Our crowds are keeping up over 2000 people every week and souls are being saved. Praise God.
It was impossible Auntie to come on Decoration Day or on the 4th of July as both of them was very heavy days for the corps. I often think of you and wonder how you are. If you are alone ~ or not. I am wanting to ~ if I can ~ to get a rest after the Summer is over as it will not be off much use to rest in winter-time, but at present could not leave the corps only be sickness or death.
We are here in Frankford surrounded by very peculiar circumstances related to the work. Dear Auntie, last week I was sent for to take a meeting over the other side of Phila. and Oh! how I felt when I got off the street car and found myself only about two blocks from the Hospital where mother died. There it was standing in plain sight. I did not know it was any ways near. How I remembered that awfull Saturday when in the pouring rain I stood outside the great big doors without a friend near but Christ and they told me she was sent away. But God helped me to bear it. He only knows how and so Auntie, dear Jesus will help you. When you are lonely and sad remember Jesus is very very very near. That He is right in the room by your side. Do not worry. Jesus will grieve if you worry, but trust Him with all your heart and lean not unto thy own understanding. He is so much to be trusted.
Remember me to Uncle John. I trust that he still is comforted by the peace that passeth all understanding. Is Katie still in Bustleton? If she is, she is only a few miles from where I am stationed. If you would give her my address she could come and see me.
Well Auntie, I must close this letter as it is getting on toward time to take the open air meeting we hold there every night-but-one on the public streets. Well, hallelujah for the privilege. I am so glad that Jesus saves me now, and that I am a Salvationist ~ fighting for God.
Yours Faithfully,
Eva Mace
Capt.I was amazed. Had no idea. I don't really know much of my family's spiritual heritage, strength of convictions, commitment level, service, etc.. So, this was very interesting piece of information.
It also aids with my theory ~ although I know it is God's SOVEREIGNTY that has brought me to Himself, and He CHOSE me before time eternal to be His child.... I sense that the faithful that have gone before me in my earthly family, somehow in God's mysterious ways, helped to usher me in.
My parents were not church-goers. They would drop us kids off at the church on Sunday morning sporadically. I loved God, but there was a disconnect (ritual and not relational). All those Friday afternoons (from 3:00 to 5:00) for three years in order to be confirmed were like a dull painting, cloudy and meaningless.
My grandparents on either side did not attend church, as well. (My paternal Grandmother died when my father was seven. My paternal Grandfather lived in an Old Soldier's Home in Washington, D.C. My maternal Grandfather ~ no, and my maternal Grandmother worked nights.)
Hopefully they had come to the full knowledge of Him by believing that Jesus was the Son of God who died for their sins, but it wasn't discussed. Those generations tended to be like that.
So, somewhere in my past lineage, I feel like there were those who earnestly prayed for their family's future generations, who sought to live godly lives, and now we are reaping those benefits:
Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps His covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands. ~ Deuteronomy 7:9
Capt. Eva Mace and all those gone before me with their LOVE for God, I THANK YOU and salute you...for I am eternally grateful.
Photo credit: Christopher Sleight
Sunday, June 26, 2011
He Walked Across the Street....
For those of you not familiar with Atlanta geography and landmarks....the beautiful campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology is in downtown Atlanta. Along with that, is the world headquarters for Coca-Cola. Actually, they are right across the street from each other. Literally.
My husband graduated from Georgia Tech in December 1972 and after celebrating Christmas and New Year's with family and friends.....he walked across the street. He started his new job January 2, 1973 with Coca-Cola.
He has many-a-story to when his territory, as a young buck, was Plains, GA when Jimmy Carter was President.
The little boy from Panthersville, GA with determination, perseverance, and smarts, carved out a career that not many nowadays can experience ~ almost forty years with the same company.
This little girl from Birdsboro, PA is grateful. Very grateful.
We were blessed to be afforded some terrific perks and opportunities all along the way, almost too many to recount. We did some fabulous travelling ~ with two of my favorites being the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway (magical), and fun trips to such enchanting places as England, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, France, Monte Carlo, Italy, Israel, Egypt, and Hong Kong.
JT (as his Coke family calls him) had a stellar career ~ brightly shining. And now it dims. His choice. It is time.
Words can not really express how PROUD we are of him. Our family is thankful for this man and his career.
And now.....BLESSINGS and LOVE, as he comes full circle. As, once again ~ he walks across the street.
He will be working with GA TECH.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
God is Awful
Did you have an intake of breath after reading the title of this post?
Are you shaking your head, and saying to yourself, "Whaaaat?" "Has she gone crazy?"
Yep, my God is awful.
Did you know that the origins (c. 1300) of the word "awful" once meant "full of awe" or "awe-inspiring."
Early definitions state: "filling with profound reverence," or "with fear and admiration fitted to inspire reverential fear;" "profoundly impressive."
Only in the late 18th century did "awful" acquire its modern meaning of "very bad," probably through repeated use to mean "so bad as to inspire awe."
This brings to mind the recent tsunami, earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods. Awful.
Do I understand the horrifying death, destruction and devastation wrought from these? No.
It is part of the Fall; of living in a Fallen world.
However, God is sovereign.
It harkens us back to the mysterious awe of the Creator and Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent One who reigns.
My God is and always will be full of awe.
Prayers and blessings go out to all who were affected by the disasters.
O LORD, our Lord,
Are you shaking your head, and saying to yourself, "Whaaaat?" "Has she gone crazy?"
Yep, my God is awful.
Did you know that the origins (c. 1300) of the word "awful" once meant "full of awe" or "awe-inspiring."
Early definitions state: "filling with profound reverence," or "with fear and admiration fitted to inspire reverential fear;" "profoundly impressive."
Only in the late 18th century did "awful" acquire its modern meaning of "very bad," probably through repeated use to mean "so bad as to inspire awe."
This brings to mind the recent tsunami, earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods. Awful.
Do I understand the horrifying death, destruction and devastation wrought from these? No.
It is part of the Fall; of living in a Fallen world.
However, God is sovereign.
It harkens us back to the mysterious awe of the Creator and Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent One who reigns.
My God is and always will be full of awe.
Prayers and blessings go out to all who were affected by the disasters.
O LORD, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name in all the earth,
Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!
Psalm 8:1
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