Sunday, June 6, 2010

Diana + Theresa = Hope

Jesus is the TRUTH to be told;
Jesus is the LIFE to be lived;
Jesus is the LOVE to be loved;
Jesus is the LIGHT to be lit.

Let us love Jesus
with an undivided LOVE,
and others, as He
you and me.

(Mother Theresa 1992)

The prayer book and tiara are a few of the pieces of memorabilia in the exhibit called:

"Diana:  a Celebration!"

I can't help but wonder if Diana, in reading Mother Theresa's inscribed words to her 
or in spending time with her,
ever accepted the TRUTH of Jesus' love...

...ever truly became a Princess, being a Daughter of the TRUE KING.

One can HOPE.

Since they both died within the same week, in my hope-filled, romanticized notions... 
 perhaps God planned for them to be on a "special assignment" together. heaven, as it was on earth.

Hope so.

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
I Timothy 2:  1-4


  1. I have always felt that there were greater depths to Princess Diana than anyone realised.

  2. Becky - this made me unexpectedly teary! Much about Mother Theresa moves me always. But I think it's Princess Diana that brought the tears on - and I think it's because of who she was to me. I remember getting up in the middle of the night to watch her royal wedding. I was just old enough to know that in reality, I'd never be an earthly princess - but still just young enough to still hope that somehow... I love this blog, I love the idea that these two women, who had such an impact on our world, were placed on "special assignment" by God. You are amazing!

  3. I had always hoped that Diana would find the Lord. She seemed like such a lost soul. I'd like to think the way you do about it!


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