We received a letter from a "location scout" for a movie that is being filmed in our area this Spring. (They liked the look of the outside of the house ~ supposed to take place in New England and our house is traditional, red brick).
Curious, I thought it would be fun to explore further. Since my niece's boyfriend is in the business (Apollo 13 and Blindside), I called him and he said he knew her, everything was legit, and gave me some coaching.
I called her and we chatted and she said to e-mail her and she would come out and look at the house.
After we hung up, I thought I'd better find out more about the movie.
I "googled" it, and everything came to a S.C.R.E.E.C.H.I.N.G halt.
Here is what I find out:

New Line has picked up the Farrelly brothers comedy "Hall Pass" from turnaround from Fox, signing up Owen Wilson to topline the picture. Jason Sudeikis is also in negotiations to co-star.
The story centers on a married couple who find themselves in a lull in their marriage and just going through the motions. The wife then gives her husband (Wilson) a "hall pass," a free ticket to engage in extramarital encounters. Sudeikis would play the guy's best friend, who also gets a free pass.
The movie begins production Feb. 23 in Atlanta.
With the Bible being my plumbline and my compass, and knowing God's heart on this, I knew immediately that this was something I could not and should not pursue.
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure,... ~ Hebrews 13:4
Of course, I have no idea how the movie ends ~ does the "Hall Pass" allow them to live happily ever after? But, the END certainly does NOT justify the means.
So, needless to say, I did not e-mail her.
It will be interesting to see which house they end up choosing.
Not ours ~ "But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15
(Please know that this is JUST not right for our family ~ for whatever family that chooses to participate...I wish you nothing but the best.)